Insulation is important for your project – but access is equally important to the end user. Custom-fit, removable thermal insulation covers answer both of those needs.
Removable covers for high temperature equipment and applications provide highly effective insulation, that reduce heat loss and improve safety. But most importantly, you don’t lose time, or need to dedicate more money to reinsulating when you do need to access that application.
Routine maintenance or repairs shouldn’t mean a full re-insulation process. At Total Insulation, we can design your insulation solution to include thermal insulation covers where you need them.
Oil refineries
Gas plants
Power plants
Turbine plants
Processing plants
Thermal insulation covers can be custom fit to suit your project and needs. We can create diverse combinations of high-temperature materials, facings and finishings that are high-performing and durable.
Minimises maintenance and repair time
Allows for chemical expansion
High- performing thermal insulation
Protects equipment
Energy cost saving
Personal protection
Insulates against noise
Custom fit for a wide range of applications
Total Insulation has locations across both Australia and New Zealand. From our humble Brisbane beginnings, we’ve since expanded to have offices in both Perth and Auckland, and provide our services all across Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific Rim.
Get in touch with your local Total Insulation team to learn more about how we can assist you with your insulation needs.
Brisbane office: (07) 3277 9785
Perth office: (08) 9356 2175
Auckland office: (09) 263 5657
Speak to one of our trained specialists and get an industry-leading solution to your commercial insulation needs which will be done right, first time, with no hassle.
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